If you haven’t gotten a Gmail or Google account you should rush and get one ASAP. A Gmail account will give you access to many services and applications that Google offers. I was one day just like you, with only a Yahoo account, am not trying to blow the trumpet for Google because all of you use it on a daily basis to do searches on almost everything. Some very weird search phrases. When they say you can find almost everything you imagine of in the internet. I believe its very much possible.
Besides using Google for such I will show you some of the major useful services that you can use to make use of your Google account some that you know and some that you never knew.
1.Gmail –
2.Gtalk –
Free service for chatting with your friends on you Gmail friend list. You can download the PC version to just like the Yahoo messenger. The best part about Gtalk is that you can chat and send SMS for free to mobile numbers of your contacts.
3.Google reader –
image http://google.com |
4.Google drive –
image http://forrst.com |
5.Blogger –
Free blogging platform from Google. Best free blogging tools that you can get from the internet after wordpress. Blogger gives you the power to blog and produce content. I also use it and would recommend it. It’s very easy to set up and manage even for none tech savvy people. You can later purchase a private domain to gain more authority.
6.Google chrome –
image www.wespeaknews.com |
7.Google playstore –
central market place for movies, music, magazines and Android applications. You can find all the latest applications being developed for android phones both free and retail. mowiemedia.com
8.Google docs –
image www.flickr.com |
9.Google Picasa –
image www.gtaturk.com |
10.Other includes YouTube – video sharing service by Google and one of the most popular in the market.
Google maps – For checking geographical location and directions. Maps will give you a point to point direction on the routes you can take from Point A to B
Google shopping – online shopping place to trade and purchase merchandize.
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